Cape Coast Castle is a European-fabricated stronghold arranged on the focal coastline of Ghana. Since its underlying development in 1652, the Castle filled in as a general store for European countries and as the central command of British pioneer organization for the Gold Coast Colony. Today the Castle is an assigned UNESCO World Heritage Site.
In 1652, the African, Asiatic, and American Company of Sweden utilized Henrik Carlof, a Polish vendor, to arrange a land concurrence with the chiefs of Efutu, the little African realm that controlled the Gold Coast. Effectively acquiring consent to build exchanging offices along the coastline, the Swedes set up Carlusborg Fort, named out of appreciation for the Swedish ruler. The fort had high, slender, mud block facades and turned into the underlying base for the Cape Coast Castle.

The Carlusborg Fort stayed in Swedish hands until 1657 when the opponent Danish West India Company usurped the foundation. A few additional exchanges of force happened between the Danish, Dutch, and Swedes in the mid-1660s. In 1664, be that as it may, a little English armada held onto the Castle (as it was subsequently called) in a concise fight drove by Captain Robert Holmes. The British would stay in charge of Cape Coast Castle until 1957.
The Company of Merchants, whose lead representatives managed the whole British settlement, widely reconstructed the Castle in 1699 and occasionally, all through the eighteenth century. It was extended landward and toward the ocean, utilizing both nearby and imported materials in its development. In 1797, 50,000 blocks and 2,000 level tiles were imported from England. The development of the Castle was required by the development of the slave exchange, which, somewhere in the range of 1700 and 1807, established 90% of business on the Gold Coast.
All through the eighteenth century, the Castle filled in as a “terrific retail outlet” of the British slave exchange. A large number of subjugated Africans, once in a while from many miles away, were brought to Cape Coast Castle to be offered to British slave ships. During the break time frame, Africans were detained in what the British called “slave holes,” or prisons in the cellar of the Castle that had little ventilation and no windows.
After Ghana (once the Gold Coast) attained independence in 1957 the Castle went through an aspiring reclamation project supported by the Ghana Museum and Monuments Board. Today the Castle is a historical center that supports voyages through the old slave-holding prisons.
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