What do you know about the Origin of African Culture? “Africa changes you forever, like nowhere on earth. Once you have been there, you will never be the same. But how do you begin to describe its magic to someone who has never felt it? How can you explain the...
African Tribes: meet the most popular tribes in Africa
African Tribes: meet the most popular tribes in Africa African Tribes: meet the most popular tribes in Africa African Tribe: Ashanti The Ashanti also commonly go by the name Asante. They are found in Western Sub-Saharan Africa, in modern-day Ghana and Ivory Coast....
African Art Galleries You Shouldn’t Miss
Alongside African fashion and interior fashion is a budding market and interest in African Art. Art, especially contemporary, is a fantastic way to introduce yourself to some of the cultures of African nations, considering Africa has always conjured up stunning...
10 fascinating African traditions to experience
While many tribal cultural traditions are well understood and replicated in popular culture in the west, such as ‘First Nations’ North American’s and tribes in the Middle-East, African tribal traditions still – for the most part – remain shrouded in an air of mystery...
On May 25, 2020, George Floyed, a 46-year-old black man, was murdered in the U.S. the city of Minneapolis by Derek Chauvin,, a 44-year-old white police officer, referring to the similar incident...... Alika Ogochukwu was beaten by an Italian...
Dark skinned Africans with extraordinary blue eyes
Are stone age hunter-gatherers the key to understanding the phenomenon of Africans with blue eye? Blue eye occur naturally in African people As we have seen above, genetic evidence has shown us that anciet stone-age humans living in Europe had...
The Great African Leaders and Warriors
When thinking of African leaders, most people may think of the Zulu tribal fighters of centuries past taking on colonial powers such as the British. While this is true, it’s only one very small aspect of the concept of warriors in African history,...
king Almamy Suluku ; One of the Smartest Sierra Leonean Kings in History and one of the Influential in African History
In celebration of Black History, The African Dream celebrate King Almamy Suluku one of the greatest kings in African history who, during the British rule in Sierra Leone managed to maintain his independence as long as possible through political strategy. His...
Ghanaian minister ”the shortage of the 32-page passport booklet is due to the effect of COVID-19”
The Ghanaians youth are very disappointed about the announcement made by the Minister for foreign Affairs and Regional Integration ''Madam Shirley Ayorkor Botchwey'' . The Minister made the announcement at a press conference held in Accra on Monday, February7, 2022....
Hadrian’s Wall, named after Roman Emperor Hadrian (117-138 AD), was worked somewhere in the range of 122 and 128 AD as the outskirts stronghold for the northernmost area of the Roman Empire, close to what is the current line of England and Scotland. During their...
This Was Kenya’s First Scientist(CALESTOUS JUMA)
Calestous Juma was a Kenyan researcher and college researcher who basically centered around a maintainable turn of events. He filled in as a Teacher of the Act of Worldwide Turn of events and Overseer of the Science, Innovation, and Globalization Venture at the...
Mogadishu, the capital city of Somalia, is situated in the horn of Africa and lining the Red Sea. The significant religion is Sunni Muslim and the authority language is Somali albeit Arabic, Italian, and English are completely spoken there. Mogadishu’s 2021 populace...
Cape Coast Castle is a European-fabricated stronghold arranged on the focal coastline of Ghana. Since its underlying development in 1652, the Castle filled in as a general store for European countries and as the central command of British pioneer organization for the...
Will You Believe That Rudolph Dunbar Was The First Black Guyanese Conductor, Clarinetist, And Composer?
Rudolph Dunbar: Conductor, clarinetist, and arranger W. Rudolph Dunbar was brought into the world on November 26, 1907, in Nabaclis, Guyana. At nine years old, his melodic virtuoso evident, he was welcome to fill in as a clarinetist in the British Guiana Militia Band....
The Kanem-Bornu Domain was an enormous African state which existed from the ninth century through the finish of the nineteenth century and which traversed a district that today incorporates the current nations of Niger, Chad, Cameroon, and Nigeria. The realm was...
The experience of African people groups in the area that would become Colombia started during the fifteenth century. Given blacks’ Old World presence in the Iberian Peninsula as workers and assistants to Muslim rulers, they not just assumed a part in building New...
Decolonizing the Mind – African Traditional Regions are Not Evil and Backward
It becomes clear that imperialism has resulted in the erosion of African spirituality The centrality of African spirituality continues to be diminished by the influence of Western culture and religions. With all the dimensions of modernity, African religions are...
Medicine, Empires, and Ethics in Colonial Africa
Abstract This essay examines the history of European empire building and health work in sub-Saharan Africa, focusing on four patterns that shed light on the ethics of outside interventions: (1) the epidemiological and bodily harms caused by conquest and economic...
Organized Religion In Africa Is A Weapon For Power, Control, And Deception
Organized religion has been used over the years as a weapon for controlling power. Much of Africa was conquered by the colonizers on the basis of organized religion. Religion has been around us since, well, the beginning of time. The vast majority of the people across...
The Ethiopian Bible is the Oldest and Most Complete on Earth
Recent radiocarbon dating analysis dated Garima 2 as originating from 390-570, and Garima 1 from 530-660. This makes the Garima gospels the oldest and most complete illuminated Christian manuscripts in the world. 5km away from Adwa, in the Mehakelegnaw Zone of the...
Art and the Fulani/Fulbe People
Fulani ArtBecause Fulani nomads do not change their fashion as frequently as other sedentary groups, traces of past aesthetic traditions tend to be perceptible in contemporary times. Fulani often entrust members of specialized castes or foreigners with the fabrication...
The Age of Iron in West Africa
Department of Arts of Africa, Oceania, and the Americas, The Metropolitan Museum of Art October 2002 Iron smelting and forging technologies may have existed in West Africa among the Nok culture of Nigeria as early as the sixth century B.C. In the period from 1400 to...
Arts of Power Associations in West Africa
West African power associations are responsible for an array of arts, including masks, sculptures, and performances. The arts of kòmò and kònò, two predominantly male institutions, have captured the attention of museum audiences in Europe and...
Africans in Ancient Greek Art
Tales of Ethiopia as a mythical land at the farthest edges of the earth are recorded in some of the earliest Greek literature of the eighth century B.C., including the epic poems of Homer. Greek gods and heroes, like Menelaos, were believed to have visited this place...
Egypt in the Old Kingdom (ca. 2649–2130 B.C.)
The Old Kingdom (ca. 2649–2130 B.C.) was an incredibly dynamic period of Egyptian history. While the origin of many concepts, practices, and monuments can be traced to earlier periods, it was during the Old Kingdom that they developed into the forms that would...
Egypt in the Middle Kingdom (ca. 2030–1650 B.C.)
The Middle Kingdom designates a period of ancient Egyptian civilization stretching from approximately 2030 to 1650 B.C. (Dynasty 11 through Dynasty 13). During this era, the cultural principles set out at the beginning of Egyptian civilization and codified during...
Ghana Empire
The Ghana Empire flourished in West Africa from at least the 6th to 13th century CE. Not connected geographically to the modern state of Ghana, the Ghana Empire was located in the western Sudan savannah region (modern southern Mauritania...
Kabaka is a title for the king of the Buganda kingdom in Uganda. Uganda has about 6 famous kingdoms and the Buganda kingdom is one of them that have dominated with powerful kings from pre-colonialism periods to date yet preserving their traditions and practices as...
The Portuguese in Africa, 1415–1600
Access to commodities such as fabrics, spices, and gold motivated a European quest for a faster means to reach South Asia. It was this search that led the Portuguese down the coast of West Africa to Sierra Leone in 1460. Due to several technological and cultural...
African Christianity in Ethiopia
The adoption of Christianity in Ethiopia dates to the fourth-century reign of the Aksumite emperor Ezana. Aksum's geographic location, at the southernmost edge of the Hellenized Near East, was critical to its conversion and development. The kingdom was located along...
Portraits of African Leadership
In Africa, sculptural depictions of rulers and ancestral heroes have served a variety of political, spiritual, and commemorative functions. Passed down along dynastic lines or commissioned by current rulers, such images were often displayed as evidence of pedigree to...
Women Leaders in African History: Dona Beatriz, Kongo Prophet
The kingdom of Kongo, the wealthiest and most powerful state in the Atlantic region of Central Africa during the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries, began to dissolve in the seventeenth century under internal and external pressures. Portuguese military aggression...
Trade Relations among European and African Nations
Trade among European and African precolonial nations developed relatively recently in the economic history of the African continent. Prior to the European voyages of exploration in the fifteenth century, African rulers and merchants had established with the...
Kingdoms of Madagascar: Malagasy Textile Arts
A principle reason why African and European merchants were attracted to Madagascar were the high-quality cotton, raffia, and silk textiles produced by indigenous artisans. Far from mere trade commodities, however, textiles were an essential aspect of Malagasy social...
Idia The First Queen Mother of Benin
The kingdom of Benin (in present-day Nigeria) was plunged into a state of turmoil at the end of the fifteenth century when the oba (king) Ozolua died and left two powerful sons to dispute succession. His son Esigie controlled Benin City, while another son, Arhuaran,...
Kingdoms of the Savanna: The Luba and Lunda Empires
In the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, the Central African interior witnessed the florescence of three large-scale, multiethnic states: Luba, Lunda (both discussed below), and Kuba. Imported crops and technologies as well as new models of leadership...
In our series of letters from African journalists, Ghanaian writer Elizabeth Ohene considers the global popularity of her country's fabric in the wake of it appearing in a Louis Vuitton fashion show. We in Ghana have absolute confidence in our fashion sense. We also...
The True Story of Yasuke, the Legendary Black Samurai Behind Netflix’s New Anime Series
In 1579, an African man now known by the name of Yasuke arrived in Japan. Much about him remains a mystery: it’s unconfirmed which country in Africa he hailed from, and there is no verifiable record of his life after 1582. But Yasuke was a real-life Black samurai who...
First Enslaved Africans Brought to Jamestown, Virginia
The stage was set for slavery in the United States as early as the 14th century when Spain and Portugal began to capture Africans for enslavement in Europe. Slavery eventually expanded to colonial America, where the first enslaved Africans were brought in the...
Confederacy Authorizes Enslavement or Execution of Black Union Troops
On Christmas Eve 1862, in the midst of the Civil War, Confederate President Jefferson Davis issued orders to the Confederate Army "that all negro slaves captured in arms be at once delivered over to the executive authorities of the respective States to which they...
Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Assassinated in Memphis
On April 4, 1968, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. was shot and killed while standing on a hotel balcony in Memphis, Tennessee. Dr. King was in the city to speak on his growing Poor People's Campaign, and to support an economic protest by Black sanitation workers. About two...
Former South African President Jacob Zuma hands himself in to police
The former president was sentenced on June 29 to 15 months behind bars after failing to appear before a corruption inquiry centered on his time in office between 2009 and 2018.Police Ministry Spokesperson Lirandzu Themba confirmed late on Wednesday that Zuma was in...
14-Year-Old Sudanese-American Boy Arrested for Bringing Clock to School Sues
On August 8, 2016, Ahmed Mohamed and his family filed a lawsuit against the city of Irving, Texas, and its school district for an ordeal that had begun nearly a year before. In September 2015, 14-year-old Ahmed Mohamed, a Sudanese-American boy, was arrested at school...
Black Woman Seeks Daughters Sold from Her During Enslavement
On July 29, 1880, the Philadelphia-based newspaper, The Christian Recorder, published a plea from a Black woman named Nancy Williams. Nearly fifteen years after the abolition of chattel slavery in the United States, Ms. Williams ran the ad seeking...
Ten Thousand African Americans March in New York City to Protest Racial Violence
On July 28, 1917, 10,000 African American men, women, and children marched in silence through the streets of New York City to protest lynching in America. In what is considered one of the first public demonstrations by African Americans in the 20th century, the NAACP...
200 Kidnapped Africans Trafficked to New Orleans
On July 14, 1804, two hundred enslaved Africans were trafficked to New Orleans on board the vessel Margaret. The Margaret left Liverpool, England in July of 1803, and sailed to Africa where traders kidnapped 222 Africans from the Congo and forced them...
Ship Carrying Over 100 Enslaved Africans Arrives in Alabama Despite Ban On Slave Importation
On July 8, 1860, more than 50 years after Congress banned the importation of enslaved Africans into the United States, the slave ship Clotilde arrived in Mobile, Alabama, carrying more than 100 enslaved people from West Africa. Captain William Foster...
In Ghana, Soldiers attack #JusticeForKaaka protesters: 3 people has been killed , 4 in critical condition
So is true that Ghana is among one of the freedom countries in the world ? A day after the “butchered” social activist, Ibrahim Muhammad popularly known as "Macho Kaaka " lost his life after a mob attacked him at about 1:30 am on June 26 on his way home, his friends...
Senegal Unveils a Vast Museum That Raises the Stakes in Africa’s Campaign to Reclaim Its Art
The $30 million Museum of Black Civilizations opens in Dakar thanks to major funding from China. For so long the artistic history of an entire continent has largely been told by others or stowed away in faraway museums. As pressure mounts on museums outside Africa to...
The Oldest Name For Continent Africa Was ‘Afraka’ Meaning ‘First-Sun-Soul’
Beforetoday’sname ‘Africa’, our continent was called with different names by our forefathers. These names are explained below; Afrika: Similar to the native words, Kongo (Congo) and Akkra (Accra), it is reported that original Afrikan languages spelled Afrika with a...
Meet Nigerian Dr. Olurotimi Badero, The World’s Only ‘Combined Heart And Kidney Specialist’
Withhislaid-back demeanor, most wouldn’t guess that Dr. Olurotimi Badero, 43, is one of the most knowledgeable medical minds in Mississippi. As the only combined cardiologist and nephrologist in the United States, Badero is a coveted commodity in his field, yet...
Five Activists Were Arrested After Trying to Seize a 19th-Century Artifact From Paris’s Quai Branly Museum and Return It to Africa
Five protesters were arrested after attempting to seize an African funerary object from Paris’s Musée du Quai Branly-Jacques Chirac with the hopes of returning it to Africa. While the museum was open on Friday, the protesters made a 30-minute video documenting the...
To Truly Take Ownership of Its Heritage, Africa Needs a New Museum to House Its Returning Cultural Artifacts
The Nigerian architect Olajumoke Adenowo argues that building museums will be vital for the future of Africa where 60 percent of the population is under 25. There is perhaps no greater example of the horrors of colonialism than Leopold II of Belgium’s reign in the...
Is colonialism still alive in African museums?
MANY post-colonial African museums share a common history as derivative by-products of colonialism.In colonial times, local indigenous populations in pre-independent Africa were sidelined from museum activities, discouraged and prevented from visiting these...
First pregnant Egyptian mummy surprises researchers
An Egyptian mummy previously believed to be a priest has turned out to be a pregnant woman. The surprise discovery, the first of its kind anywhere in the world, was made by Polish scientists at the Warsaw Mummy...
Woman dies during 14-day fasting session to save her troubled marriage
Joy Owoyele had sought spiritual help regarding her matrimonial challenges at the Christ Apostolic Church, Ori-Oke Gbogunmi, The family of a woman, Joy Owoyele, is in grief after she died during a 14-day fasting in the Isheri Olofin area of Lagos State in Nigeria....
Why Frederick Douglass Matters
Frederick Douglass sits in the pantheon of Black history figures: Born into slavery, he made a daring escape north, wrote best-selling autobiographies and went on to become one of the nation’s most powerful voices against human bondage. He stands as the most...
Martin Luther King, Jr. Assassination
Martin Luther King, Jr. was assassinated in Memphis, Tennessee, on April 4, 1968, an event that sent shock waves reverberating around the world. A Baptist minister and founder of the Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC), King had led the civil rights...
Black History Facts
Black History Month honors the contributions of African Americans to U.S. history. Among prominent figures are Madam C.J. Walker, who was the first U.S. woman to become a self-made millionaire; George Washington Carver, who derived nearly 300 products from the peanut;...
Netherlands Returns Smuggled 600-year-old Ife Terracotta to Nigeria
The Kingdom of Netherlands officially presented a smuggled Ife Terracotta antiquity dated to be at least 600 years old to Nigeria. The repatriated antiquity was presented to the Minister of Information and Culture, Alhaji Lai Mohammed at a ceremony held in Abuja The...
Harvard University Researcher: “Africans Are 100% Pure Human Than The Rest”
A Harvard researcher has declared that Africans are the only race that has 100 percent human DNA while the rest have Neanderthal DNA in them. While this seems controversial another separate study colludes with the Harvard study. Dr. David Emil Reich, a genetics...
Ancient Egyptians Were Blacks – Kemet History
Ancient Black Egyptians? They were African? Were they? This was a topic that was raised and discussed. It is true that other studies have been carried out which suggest the opposite. But the answer is there if you look closely at the enormous array. Here are the facts...
France Approves Return of African Treasures Looted During Colonial Period
French MPs have approved the return of looted historical artefacts to Benin and Senegal, completing the legislative process needed to give back the objects. Benin will receive 26 artefacts taken from the Palace of Behanzin in the late 19th century, including a royal...
King Shark, one of the greatest African rulers who fought European invasion in Africa
The Dahomey Kingdom — present-day Benin — During the 18th and 19th centuries, it was one of the most powerful kingdoms in Africa. The nation had one of Africa’s biggest armies at the time, including the powerful Dahomey Amazons. It also had extensive foreign trade...
The day Africa almost became United States of Africa under a Union Government
The dream of a united Africa started way before the formulation of the Organisation of African Unity (OAU) in 1963 following an intervention by the King of Ethiopia, Haile Selassie I in Addis Ababa. In the early 1960s, when independence was sweeping throughout the...
How the city of Benin was looted and burnt to the ground by British soldiers
Kingdom of Benin was one of the strongest and most prosperous kingdoms in history known. From the beginning of the 15th century to the early 17th century, the progress of this kingdom was very clear. Benin was a beautiful city, apart from influence and...
A Teenager From Namibia Invents A “Sim-Less” and “Airtime-Free” Phone
The invention of a secondary school student named Simon Petrus got Namibia’s social media abuzz for the right reasons. Simon Petrus created a mobile phone that works with radio frequencies, no sim card nor airtime credit required. Calls can be made...
Africa Ruled The World For 15,000 Years & Civilized Mankind
In ancient times, the Oracle of Amon at Siwah was the most celebrated, and Heliopolis, Memphis, and Thebes, were representatives of the best of Egyptian civilization and culture. Thebes, a beautiful city on the Nile had the...
3,300-Year-Old Sandals of King Tutankhamun
Tutankhamun was an ancient Egyptian pharaoh who, in the New Kingdom of Egyptian history, was the last of his royal family to rule at the end of the 18th Dynasty. His father was Pharaoh Akhenaten, who was believed to be the mummy found in the KV55 tomb. In ancient...
Charles King, the African politician who won the most rigged election in World History
People are pursuing political offices of all kinds in the world today. While some partake in a rigorous campaign to win the election, some go the extreme lengths to the point that the election is manipulated to guarantee their victory. There is an African politician...
Queen Cleopatra, a popular African political figure from ancient Egypt
Her life inspired many historians and storytellers. English playwright William Shakespeare wrote the famous play “Antony and Cleopatra” based on her life. Cleopatra was born to a royal family around 69 B.C. After her father King Ptolemy XII died, she and her brother...
New York’s Bronx Zoo Apologizes For Putting African Man In ‘Monkey House’ More Than 100 Years Ago
The Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS), which runs New York’s Bronx Zoo, has apologized for its racist past. The WCS issued a statement on Wednesday, in the wake of the zoo’s 125th anniversary celebration, apologizing for its treatment of an African man named Ota...
History: Ghanaian former President Kwame Nkrumah Dies in Romania in 1972
On 27th of April 1972, former President of Ghana at the same time a Pan-Africanist, Kwame Nkrumah died at the age of 62 in Romania after 6 years in exile in Guinea. On February 24th 1966, President Nkrumah was removed in power through a military coup by...
The richest person in history is an African King Mansa Musa I from Mali – ($400 billion)
Mansa Musa I was born in Mali, West Africa in 1280, to Faga Laye (his father). In several different scripts, his name was documented as Kankou Musa, Kankan Musa, and Kanku Musa meaning “Musa whose mother was Kankou.” The wife of Mansa(King) Musa I was called Inari...
Teach your children African/Black History to change future of Africa & Black people
Millions of black people have been miseducated to serve the agendas of the ruling white elites. “History is always written by the winners. When two cultures clash, the loser is obliterated, and the winner writes the history books-books which glorify their own cause...
Incredible dental work found on a 4,000-year-old mummy of Ancient Egypt
Dentistry, in some form or another, has been practiced for at least 9,000 years, although tooth extraction and remedies for tooth aches probably go back much further. Historical records reveal numerous dental and hygiene procedures practiced by the ancient Egyptians....
Battle of Adwa 1896: When Ethiopia Destroyed Invading Italian Army
On March 1, 1896, the Ethiopian army under the leadership of one of Africa’s illustrious wartime heroes, chief strategists Emperor Menilek II dealt Italy with a decisive defeat. Italy’s crushing defeat sent their colonial ambitions back 100 years and stopped...
Thebes, Egypt was once the largest city in the world in about 1500 BC
At the height of Ancient Egypt, its bustling capital was Thebes, 419 miles south of Cairo where the modern settlement of Luxor now stands. Long-associated with royalty, Thebes blossomed into a sprawling metropolis during the Eleventh Dynasty (2081-1938 BC), when its...
700,000 Ancient African Books survived in Timbuktu University, Mali
Many writers on African history did not believe until recently that African societies had any sort of tradition of writing. This idea has gradually lost recognition since the rediscovery of ancient collections of manuscripts, some dating back to at least the 8th...
The Hamar, untouched tribe from “never colonized” country, Ethiopia
No European power ever colonized Ethiopia. The country of Ethiopia is the oldest sovereign state in Africa, and one of two African countries that avoided colonial rule. Hamar family The Hamar (alternatively spelled as Hamer) is a Southwestern Ethiopian Omotic...
Egypt finds 59 ancient coffins buried more than 2,600 years ago
The discovery of the first batch of coffins was confirmed by Egyptian antiquities officials last month, when archaeologists found 13 of the containers in a newly discovered 11 meter deep (36 feet) well. Khalid el-Anany said at least 59 sealed sarcophagi, most of which...
Mansa Musa crashed economy of Egypt & Arabia during his journey to Mecca in 1324 AD
Mansa Musa (Musa I of Mali) was the ruler of the Kingdom of Mali from 1312 C.E. to 1337 C.E. Mali was one of Africa ‘s wealthiest kingdoms during his rule, and Mansa Musa is the wealthiest person in history. He also introduced architects to his cities from the Middle...
Meet the Melanasians; the world’s black people with blond hair
These Malaysians are one of the few groups with blonde hair outside Europe, who can be found on an island in the south pacific that have been there for over thousands of years, long before the blacks that went to the Americas as slaves. The name Melanesia was first...
The Forgotten Story of Human Zoos – Crimes of the Colonial Era
Humans have been taken from their native lands and taken to be exhibited in human zoos for more than a century. Alongside animals, they were displayed before fellow humans. This little known and profoundly troubling aspect of colonial history played a crucial part....
African King, Mansa Abubakar II discovered Americas in 1312. 180 years before Columbus
The Italian sailor / explorer Christopher Columbus has a renowned reputation as the discoverer of the new world in every simple history lesson. This has been globally recognized for over 500 years to date. Education has been in the possession of Europeans, who many...
West Africans built in stone by 1100 BC. One of the oldest known historical sites
Archeologists have discovered “large stone villages” in the Tichitt-Walata Region of Mauritania dating from 1100 BC. The villages consisted of approximately circular interlinked streets. Dhar Tichitt is in the southwestern Sahara Desert area in Mauritania a Neolithic...
The North Korean leader Kim Jong-un has expressed concern over the way America and the West are toasting Africa about, making the statement “I wonder how the whites successfully convinced Africans that polygamy is a sin but gay is a right” “Africans should learn on...
“Africa will never be independent. Africans believe in Europeans, Americans and Chinese more than themselves–they don’t trust themselves at all. A white man will commit crime in Africa but no action will be taken because Africa authorities view us as semi-gods, far...
Ever since the Europeans and Arabs invaded Kemet/Africa, over a thousand years ago, they have been fascinated and obsessed with the vast knowledge and heritage which the African continent houses. For centuries, they have dug up the ancient graves of notable Africans...
The North Korean leader Chairman Kim Jong-un has expressed concern over the way America and the West are toasting Africa about, making the statement “I wonder how the whites successfully convinced Africans that polygamy is a sin but gay is a right” It is...
“High Chair” is the chair of a nation, traditionally positioned on a dais and surmounted by a canopy, illustrating the authority of the ruler who sits on it and often confers the power on it. Thrones are most often used as the symbols of authority of kings and...
Kente cloth is deeply intertwined with the history of the Ashanti nation. The Ashanti Empire or Confederacy, which was located in what is today Ghana, first emerged in West Africa during the seventeenth century. The Ashanti are members of the Akan...
Did Skin Cream Kill Egypt’s Queen Hatshepsut?
The female pharaoh Hatshepsut might have accidentally poisoned herself with a carcinogenic skin treatment, according to a new study. A flask of lotion believed to have belonged to the female pharaoh Hatshepsut contains a carcinogenic substance that might ultimately...
A New Female Pharaoh for Ancient Egypt?
Queen Arsinoë II ruled Egypt as a female pharaoh long before her more famous descendant, Cleopatra VII, according to a new study. Cleopatra VII has long been considered the only female pharaoh of the Ptolemaic dynasty, a Greek royal family that ruled Egypt from 305...
Unknown Pharaoh’s Remains Identified in Egypt
The remains of a previously unidentified pharaoh dating back some 3,600 years provides valuable new evidence of a forgotten Egyptian dynasty. Working in cooperation with Egypt’s Supreme Council of Antiquities, lead archeologist Josef Wegner and his team from the...
Archaeologists Identify Mummified Legs as Queen Nefertari’s
Archaeologists say a pair of dismembered, mummified legs found inside an ancient Egyptian tomb are most likely those of the famed Queen Nefertari, consort of King Ramses II. Queen Nefertari—not to be confused with Nefertiti, the powerful queen who ruled alongside...
Has Queen Nefertiti’s Tomb Been Found?
A British archaeologist believes ancient Egypt’s Queen Nefertiti may be buried behind a secret door inside of King Tut’s tomb. Howard Carter’s discovery of King Tutankhamen’s nearly intact tomb in the Valley of Kings outside Luxor not only stunned the world, it...
Archaeologists Discover Egyptian Tombs Belonging to Osiris and a Long-Forgotten Queen
Archaeologists have discovered two ancient burial sites in Egypt, one belonging to a previously unknown queen and the other to the god of the dead. The Abu Sir necropolis southwest of Cairo contains several pyramids dedicated to Egyptian pharaohs of the Fifth Dynasty...
Tomb of Ancient Egyptian Princess Unearthed
Archaeologists have discovered the court and tomb of a previously unknown ancient Egyptian princess who lived some 4,500 years ago. Archaeologists have unearthed the court and tomb of a previously unknown ancient Egyptian princess who lived some 4,500 years ago. Led...
4,400-Year-Old Egyptian Tomb Discovered in Ancient Burial Ground
The tomb contains paintings of a prominent priestess, plus a rare image of a dancing monkey. Archaeologists have uncovered a 4,400-year-old Egyptian tomb that they believe belonged to a high-ranking priestess. The Egyptian government revealed the new discovery on...
3,500-year-old Mummy Surprise Found in Egypt
Egyptian archaeologists have made a remarkable discovery near the famed Valley of the Kings. Lead by Mostafa Waziri, the team discovered the tomb on the west bank of the Nile River in Luxor. The tomb was likely built during the 18th Dynasty (1550–1298 B.C.), but the...
3,700-Year-Old Pyramid May Yield Clues to Tomb Evolution
The remains of a pyramid, believed to have been 3,700 years ago, have been found in Egypt. The pyramid was discovered by an Egyptian archaeological mission working approximately 25 miles south of Cairo, near the location of King Sneferu’s Bent Pyramid. Adel...
Egypt’s Oldest Papyri Detail Great Pyramid Construction
Egypt’s oldest papyrus fragments, which detail the construction of the Great Pyramid of Giza, have gone on public display in Cairo. In 2013, a joint team of French and Egyptian archaeologists discovered a remarkable find in a cave at the ancient Red Sea port of Wadi...
How old is the Great Sphinx?
The Great Sphinx of Giza, a giant limestone figure with the body of a lion and the head of a man wearing a pharaoh’s headdress, is the national symbol of Egypt—both ancient and modern—and one of the world’s most famous monuments. Despite its iconic status, geologists,...
How long did it take to build the Great Pyramid?
The oldest of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World and the only one that survives today, the Great Pyramid of Giza was constructed as a tomb for the Egyptian pharaoh Khufu. The precise details regarding the pyramid’s construction remain a mystery, as no written...
Sevens Wonders of the Ancient World
The amazing works of art and architecture known as the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World serve as a testament to the ingenuity, imagination and sheer hard work of which human beings are capable. They are also, however, reminders of the human capacity for...
10 Awe-Inspiring Photos of the Ancient Pyramids of Egypt
From the early step pyramids to the towering Great Pyramids of Giza, the tombs are among the few surviving wonders of the ancient world. The Egyptian pyramids are some of the most incredible man-made structures in history. More than 4,000 years after their...
Thermal Scan of Egypt’s Pyramids Reveals Mysterious Hot Spots
Researchers using thermal cameras to scan the Egyptian pyramids have identified several intriguing anomalies, including one in the pyramid of Khufu, better known as the Great Pyramid of Giza. In recent months, experts have been searching for hidden chambers located...
Ancient Egypt
For almost 30 centuries—from its unification around 3100 B.C. to its conquest by Alexander the Great in 332 B.C.—ancient Egypt was the preeminent civilization in the Mediterranean world. From the great pyramids of the Old Kingdom through the military conquests of the...
Archaeologists Uncover Rare Egyptian Funerary Boat Near Pyramid
A team of Czech archaeologists has discovered a well-preserved Egyptian funerary boat dating back some 4,500 years buried in the sand near the Abusir pyramids. The practice of burying wooden boats alongside the tombs of Egyptian royals began in the Early Dynastic...
Egyptian Pyramids
Built during a time when Egypt was one of the richest and most powerful civilizations in the world, the pyramids—especially the Great Pyramids of Giza—are some of the most magnificent man-made structures in history. Their massive scale reflects the unique role that...
Pyramids in Latin America
Despite the towering reputation of Egypt’s Great Pyramids at Giza, the Americas actually contain more pyramid structures than the rest of the planet combined. Civilizations like the Olmec, Maya, Aztec and Inca all built pyramids to house their deities, as well as to...
The Thorny History of Reparations in the United States
In the 20th century, the country issued reparations for Japanese American internment, Native land seizures, massacres and police brutality. Will slavery be next? The papers were handed out one by one to the elderly recipients—most frail, some in wheelchairs. To some,...
Black History In The United States: A Timeline
In August of 1619, a journal entry recorded that “20 and odd” Angolans, kidnapped by the Portuguese, arrived in the British colony of Virginia and were then were bought by English colonists. The date and the story of the enslaved Africans have become...
Slave Rebellions
Slave rebellions were a continuous source of fear in the American South, especially since black slaves accounted for more than one-third of the region’s population in the 18th century. Laws dictating when, where and how slaves could congregate were enacted to prevent...
The Most Damaging Myths About Slavery, Debunked
Why couldn't the slaves have resisted—or pulled themselves up from their bootstraps after emancipation? Were U.S. slaves in any way responsible for their own misery? Were there any silver linings to forced bondage? These questions surface from time to time in the...
5 Things You May Not Know About Abraham Lincoln, Slavery and Emancipation
The 16th U.S. president was firm in believing slavery was morally wrong, but his views on racial equality were sometimes more complicated. 1. Lincoln wasn’t an abolitionist. Abraham Lincoln did believe that slavery was morally wrong, but there was one...
5 Myths About Slavery
Find out the truth behind five common myths or misunderstandings about slavery in the United States. 1. Myth #1: There were enslaved Irish people in the American colonies. As historian and public librarian Liam Hogan has written: “There is unanimous agreement,...
Wreckage of the Last U.S. Slave Ship Is Finally Identified in Alabama
It was torched and then sunk to the bottom of a river, but historians say they have now identified the remains of the last ship to carry slaves to the U.S. After much searching, researchers have finally located the last U.S. slave ship, the Clotilda, at the...
A Survivor of the Last Slave Ship Lived Until 1940
Matilda McCrear came to the United States on the Clotilda, the last known slave ship to arrive on U.S. shores. The last known survivor of the last U.S. slave ship died in 1940—75 years after the abolition of slavery. Her name was Matilda McCrear. When she first...
Forced Marriage as a 12-Year-Old Girl: The Life of America’s Last Slave Ship Survivor
Redoshi was taken to America on the Clotilda, the last known slave ship. She lived until 1937. Like many African people forced into American slavery, Redoshi was only a child when slave traders chained her to their boat. Kidnapped at age 12 in what is now Benin, she...
Descendants of Last Slave Ship Still Live in Alabama Community
The story of the Clotilda and the people who built Africatown. For most black Americans descended from enslaved Africans, there’s no way of tracing back where their ancestors came from. There’s also no way of discovering, as Malcolm X emphasized,...
The Last Slave Ship Survivor Gave an Interview in the 1930s. It Just Surfaced
Zora Neale Hurston's searing book about the final survivor of the transatlantic slave trade, Cudjo Lewis, could not find a publisher for nearly 90 years. Roughly 60 years after the abolition of slavery, anthropologist Zora Neale Hurston made...
7 Influential African Empires
From ancient Sudan to medieval Zimbabwe, get the facts on seven African kingdoms that made their mark on history. 1. The Kingdom of Kush Meroë is an ancient city on the east bank of the Nile app. 200 km north-east of Khartoum, Sudan. (Credit: Yannick Tylle/Getty...
100 things that you did not know about Africa
1. The human race is of African origin. The oldest known skeletal remains of anatomically modern humans (or homo sapiens sapiens) were excavated at sites in East Africa. Human remains were discovered at Omo in Ethiopia that were dated at 195,000 years old, the oldest...
10 Reasons the Enslavement of Africans in Libya Should Alarm Us.
Migrants and refugees from sub-Saharan Africa are being bought and sold in open-air markets in Libya for as little as $400 (Photo: AFP). African people are again being sold into slavery in Libya. The revelation that smugglers are buying and selling Black migrants...
Black Rebels: Meet the Fearless Black Female Warriors of the Dahomey Kingdom
The Dahomey Amazons, or Mino, were an all-female regime of the Fon people of the Kingdom of Dahomey in what is the present-day Republic of Benin.The expertly trained female fighters were notorious for decapitating their opponents in battle. Those unfortunate enough to...
Nat Turner’s Rebellion, The Uprising That Shook Virginia to Its Core
Nat Turner (Oct. 2, 1800 – Nov. 11, 1831) Nat Turner, who was born into slavery in Virginia, became a preacher and said he had been chosen by God to lead enslaved people to freedom.At age 30 in August 1831, he acted on a sign from a solar eclipse earlier that...
Steve Biko, the Anti-Apartheid Activist Who Fought to End White Minority Rule In South Africa
Steve Bantu Biko was an icon in the anti-apartheid movement in South Africa.He co-founded the South African Students’ Organization in 1968, an all-Black student group dedicated to the resistance of apartheid.He later founded/co-founded two other groups also...
‘Long Live Africa!’ Meet the Gallant Congolese Hero Patrice Lumumba
Patrice Lumumba was an African nationalist and the first legally elected prime minister of the Democratic Republic of the Congo beginning June 1960-September 1960.In 1960 Lumumba gave an archaic speech advocating for liberation which offended many imperialist powers...
Beja people are one of the living descendants of Ancient Egypt
The Beja people of north east Sudan and southern Egypt are living descendants of Ancient Egyptians. If you ever wondered from all the controversy what the Ancient Egyptians look like take a good look. They are a true representation of ancient egyptians. Note most of...
O.W. Gurley, the Visionary Who Fostered Decades of Prosperity and Wealth for Black Folks with the Creation of Tulsa’s Black Wall Street
O.W. Gurley (??? – sometime after 1921) O.W. Gurley was a wealthy Black landowner, born to former enslaved Africans, who traveled the United States to take part in the Oklahoma Land Grab of 1889.The young businessman resigned from a presidential appointment under...
5 Malcolm X Quotes About Black Liberation to Live By
Malcolm X, a Black nationalist leader of the civil rights movement, was assassinated 53 years ago on Feb. 21. The activist had been giving a speech at the Audubon Ballroom when he was shot 15 times at point-blank range. Three men associated...
Not a Myth After All? The Truth Behind the Real-Life Inspiration for ‘Black Panther’s’ Wakanda
The real-life inspiration for Wakanda draws from the 15th century Mutapa empire of Zimbabwe, according to Chadwick Boseman. (Images courtesy of Marvel/ NPR) Wakanda is what’s been on everyone’s minds since the blockbuster debut of Marvel’s “Black Panther,” which...
The Man Who Initiated the ‘Back to Africa’ Venture: Paul Cuffe
In 1815 Cuffe sailed for the West coast of Africa with 38 Black emigrants to begin a new life in Sierra Leone.Only 8 out of 38 emigrants could pay their way on their voyage back to Africa. Cuffe paid the way for the remaining 30 emigrants.He hoped to create trade...
Madam C.J. Walker’s Journey to Become the First Black Self-Made Millionaire
Born as Sara Breedlove to recently freed parents near Delta, La., Madam C.J. Walker’s own scalp ailment resulted in her tinkering with remedies and store-bought products to improve her condition.She was hired by Annie Turnbo-Malone, a Black beauty...
Ancient Walls of Benin were four times longer than Walls of China. Destroyed by British in 1897
The Benin Kingdom, dating back to the 11th century, was one of the oldest and most advanced states in western Africa. Benin’s walls with their surroundings have been described as ‘the biggest earthworks in the world before the mechanical age,’ a man-made wondrous...
Ancient Egypt: King Ramses II “The Great” (1292 – 1186 BCE)
King Ramses II one of the greatest pharaohs who ruled Egypt, he is Known as Ramesses II or Sese also called Ramesses The Great, he was the third king of the 19th dynasty (1292-1186 BCE), he was born in 1303 BC to his father the Pharaoh Sethi I and his mother Queen...
Queen Nefertiti, one of the most beautiful female figures from the ancient world
As King Akhenaten’s wife, Nefertiti was the queen of the 18th dynasty of Egypt, and played a significant role in Egyptian worship of the sun god Aton or Aten. Her name means “the beautiful one has come” and Egyptian reliefs and statuary still show her iconic beauty....
Imhotep from Africa is the first doctor in history
Although Hippocrates is considered by many to be the father of Medicine, he is not really the first doctor in history (although his contribution is undeniable). That honor would fall to the Egyptian scholar Imhotep. Imhotep means ‘he that comes in peace’. Born in 27th...
King Amenemhat III [1860–1814 B.C] Ancient Kemet (Blacks)
King Amenemhat III is considered one of the most important pharaohs of the Middle Kingdom and the 12th Dynasty. He was a resolute director, a wise politician, and a great builder. His reign was depicted as the golden period of the Middle Kingdom and the era of peace,...
50 Years Ago: The Assassination of Patrice Lumumba
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