
Encyclopaedia of Women and Islamic Cultures, Vol. 4_ Economics, Education, Mobility And Space (Encyclopaedia of Women and Islamic Cultures)

£145.00 £56.99

Family, Body, Sexuality, and Health, holds 196 articles on 56 topics. It includes articles on aging; the body; breastfeeding; celibacy; child marriage; childhood; courtship; disabilities; food preparation; funerary practices; genital cutting; health policies, practices, and education; poverty; HIV and AIDS; reproduction; incest; love; marriage discourses and practices; reproduction; science; sexual harassment; discourses, education and practices related to sexualities; sports; suicide; and virginity. The articles are organized alphabetically by topic and within topics alphabetically by region. In addition, Volume III includes an extensive bibliography and analysis of over 1,000 doctoral dissertations written on women and Islamic cultures. The Encyclopedia of Women & Islamic Cultures is also available online. For more information see Encyclopedia of Women & Islamic Cultures Online.



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